Deliverable WP3

WP3 Indagine sperimentale
della cella ad ossidi solidi reversibile

Task 3.1 Limiti dati dal ciclaggio termico e di carico
Task 3.2 Ottimizzazione dei cicli operativi
Task 3.3 Studio dell'elettrodo idrogeno
Task 3.4 Studio dell'elettrodo ossigeno
Task 3.5 Mappatura delle performance delle SOFC

 Deliverable   Title
 D 3.1 Report on test results with the identification of SOFC/SOE
 operability ranges
 D 3.2   Definition of optimized operating cycles
 D 3.3 Report on rSOC performances (roundtrip efficiency,
 degradation rate, dynamic behaviour) 
 under optimized operating cycles
 D 3.4 SOE performance reducing the H2 content in the HE inlet   stream [experimental results]
 D 3.5 Report on SOE performance at temperature variation
 D 3.6 Report on SOE performance with innovative
 OE management strategies
 D 3.7 SOFC performance mapping under syngas
 feeding with different reformate mixtures
 D 3.8 Characterization of Solid Oxide technology
 in energy application
Ultimo aggiornamento 3 Giugno 2020